EMFs Linked to Infertility and Miscarriage?
The article we're highlighting this week was published recently in The Epoch Times and written by Marina Zhang. Here research is excellent, and it's very informative. It's based on datasets from research conducted over the past few years, though experts have known that unnatural EMF effects fertility and pregnancies since the 1800's (read "The Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenberg to learn more).
I've reached out to Zhang to introduce her to the Essential Energy line of EMF protection and biophotonic devices. It's said that 90% of the light we take in is through the eyes. The other 10% is through the skin, however, we can expand that to say that all the trillions of cells in our body have 'eyes' that receive light. Each electron is activated by a single photon. The more coherent the photon, the more functional the electron, and sadly today even the photons from the sun are less coherent than they were before the deployments of wireless communication systems.
Did you know that all light is invisible? What we call 'light', is actually a degree of brightness at a certain wavelength which reveals color. Light is an electromagnetic frequency, which is why it's part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The issue is that manmade EMF is a completely different form of light than natural EMF, and so our body (and all nature) responds to protect itself from the harmful effects of unnatural light (EMF). Any device that uses AC electricity will emit, or radiate, unnatural EMF. This compensation, or allergic reaction, by our body is why people are having health issues related to EMF. Natural light is designed to bring us into coherence, or balance, with nature. This balance allows for healing and recovery, which it will struggle to do when in an environment full of unnatural EMF. Dr. John Ott discovered that different wavelengths and intensities of light interact with our cells differently. What Marina Zhang is revealing in her article (Below) is how unnatural EMFs negatively effect reproductive organs. This is a really big deal. Birthrates across the globe have seen a dramatic decline in the last few decades. Replacement birth rate value is 2.1. In the United States, the estimated birth rate per woman in 2023 is 1.83, in Canada it's 1.57. There's been a steady decline since the 1960's.
This is very troubling for the world economy, but what's not reported, at least I haven't seen the reports to date, is the fertility issues in livestock. This year the number one issue dairy farmers called about was fertility issues in their dairy herds.
The story was the same for all of them: over the past 2-3 years something had changed (could it be the rapid deployment of satellite internet and further deployment of mobile phone infrastructure?). And they are seeing it show up as a fertility issue. It's become a major issue, with pregnancy rates dropping to the point where some farmers were considering getting out of the dairy business all together.
Here's what really excites me: over 90% of the dairy farmers who purchased an Geofield EMF Conditioner from Essential Energy saw their fertility rates climb and pregnancies restored to normal levels...within the first 3 months of use. This is an incredible benefit for farmers. We're showing time and again that the structured light that reflects off the stainless steel plates in our products have a positive benefit. The same technology that's in the Geofield EMF Conditioner is in all of Essential Energy's EMF protection products.
Here's the article by Marina Zhang from The Epoch Times:
Scientists: Wi-Fi, Other EMFs May Be Linked to Infertility and Miscarriage
As exposure to wireless and electronic devices and electromagnetic fields (EMFs) increases, so do infertility and miscarriage rates, leading to questions about whether the two are connected.
About 1 in 5 couples struggle with infertility, miscarriage rates have been increasing by 1 percent every year, and infertility is increasingly affecting younger people of reproductive age.
EMFs and Reproductive Organ Damage
EMFs from wireless and electronic devices can induce oxidative stress within cells sensitive to these environmental signals.
Organs involved in reproduction are vulnerable to damage from EMFs, and animal studies have established a connection.
Female Organs
In one study, whole-body exposure to EMFs damaged the ovaries of female rats, though the same effects have not been found in humans.
In animals, EMFs have been shown to inhibit ovulation and damage ovarian reserves. Certain EMF frequencies have also been shown to affect follicular growth, which can impair fertility because follicles are responsible for fertilizing eggs.
Exposure to EMFs has also been shown to prolong the mating cycle in animals.
Male Organs
Mice exposed to mobile phone radiofrequency tended to develop damage to the testis. In a 2021 study exposing male mice to 4G mobile phone radiation, the mice grew irregular cell layers in their reproductive organs. The study concluded that 4G radiation may affect the animals’ kidney and testis tissue.
A review published in Electronic Physician found that EMF exposure reduced and killed mouse cells in charge of producing sperm. Studies mentioned in the review found that EMF exposure also caused DNA breaks in embryonic stem cells.
Hormonal Disruptions
EMFs can directly affect the pineal gland, a master gland regulating hormonal balance. This reduces melatonin, a hormone governing the sleep-wake cycle and involved in sperm production, and reproductive hormones such as estrogen and progesterone.
Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, a preventive medicine specialist, noted that the rise in radiofrequency EMFs is recent, so there’s limited research on its effects on human reproductive organs.
“The iPhone was invented in 2007. That’s not long enough for extensive studies,” Dr. Vliet said.
Dr. Vliet recommends antioxidants such as vitamins C, D, and E, and melatonin to prevent EMF damage.
While conclusive evidence is lacking, these molecules could intervene in EMF injuries, preventing cellular stress and tissue damage.
EMFs Damage Sperm
Multiple studies, including of humans, have shown that EMF exposure damages sperm.
“Sperm are uniquely susceptible to oxidation,” Geoffrey De Iuliis, a professor at the University of Newcastle who specializes in reproductive medicine, said.
Sperm cells are designed with a singular purpose: to swim rapidly and fertilize eggs. Hence, their cytosol, a component of cytoplasm, is small. The limited cytosol restricts the presence of antioxidants that could neutralize oxidative stress induced by EMFs.
Oxidation further leads to DNA damage and impairs sperm health and motility. The protective agents in sperm-guarding DNA are also limited.
Sperm also have more oxidation-susceptible polyunsaturated fat than saturated fat in their membranes to promote fluidity.
Observational studies have linked increased mobile phone usage with a higher risk of male infertility.
Urologist Dr. Ashok Agrawal’s research highlighted that men who used their phones less frequently displayed higher semen volume, sperm count, motility, viability, and normal structure.
Numerous laboratory studies in which researchers exposed sperm samples to extreme low frequency magnetic fields (ELF-MFs) have shown impaired sperm motility and DNA. This was demonstrated in a study exposing human sperm to 1 millitesla of ELF-MF for two hours.
Urologist Dr. Ranjith Ramasamy, an associate professor at the University of Miami, led the most recent study on Wi-Fi exposure and found that sperm were particularly sensitive to Wi-Fi EMF and not 4G or 5G.
Researchers are uncertain how these findings translate in real life. There isn’t yet a consensus on whether oxidation is the main driver of EMF damage, despite that the theory has gained recognition, Mr. De Iuliis said.
He also said that even a slight increase in temperature, just a few degrees, can elicit similar effects on sperm cells, whether in animals or in vitro.
Regarding the connection between EMF exposure and male infertility, Mr. De Iuliis suggested that if an effect exists, it’s likely subtle because of the absence of significant shifts in infertility rates since the advent of mobile phones and wireless devices.
However, epidemiologist Devra Davis, an environmental health scientist, founder of the Environmental Health Trust, and Nobel Peace Prize winner, supports the link, emphasizing that even findings from animal studies carry weight.
“Every drug that we use today is tested out in animals. How could you reject studies of animals when it comes to predicting the environment?” she said.
For concerned men, Dr. Ramasamy recommended reducing device usage and maintaining a distance from primary sources of wireless EMF, such as cellphones and radio towers. Furthermore, avoid placement of phones in pant pockets near the testes.
EMF Exposure and Miscarriages
EMF exposure during pregnancy is linked with miscarriages, Kjell Hansson Mild, a radiation consultant from Umea University, told The Epoch Times.
Epidemiological studies on birth defects and miscarriage in pregnant women working in offices revealed that the EMF emitted from a computer monitor can impair human reproduction.
Perhaps the most well-known study comes from Kaiser Permanente in California. The study followed more than 900 pregnant women and evaluated the link between nonionizing EMF exposure and miscarriage risks.
Women exposed to higher magnetic field levels had almost triple the risk of miscarriage as did those with lower exposure.

“Due to the current lack of research on this subject, we don’t know the biological threshold beyond which problems may develop, and we also don’t yet understand the possible mechanisms for increased risks,” the lead author, Dr. De-Kun Li, a reproductive and perinatal epidemiologist at the Kaiser Permanente, said in a press release.
Another 2021 study in Iran concluded that EMFs with a frequency above 50 Hz increase the risk of miscarriage.
The link between EMF exposure and miscarriage raises the question of health risks due to ultrasound exposure during pregnancy, as ultrasound also produces EMFs.
Studies have shown that ultrasound can increase oxidation, though its adverse effects in humans remain inconclusive.
“Currently, there is no reliable evidence that ultrasound is harmful to a developing fetus,” the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists wrote on its website. “However, it is possible that effects could be identified in the future. For this reason, it is recommended that ultrasound exams be performed only for medical reasons by qualified health care providers.”
However, the risks of EMFs may continue after babies are born. A Spanish study linked mobile phone use by pregnant women with an increased risk of behavioral problems in their children.
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