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If you are going to use the 4”, 5” or 7” Light-tower to protect your home and family, you got to have it.
I have the 4” Light-tower and soon will get the 5”.
If you are just using the Light-tower to work on yourself or others one on one, then you don't need the stand. You are using a focused light beam to healing work.
The Scala Home Stand create an umbrella effect. It appears to me, that it opens the light beam to create a dome that covers your office or home depending on the size of the light-tower.
You may feel the Light-tower when focus at a specific part of your body, but you will not feel the light dome protecting you or your family. What you may notice is: a greater since of relief when you enter your home, you may feel more protected or more relaxed at home. You may notice that you are able to recover from the outside world better and faster. The overall mood of the house may be just a tad bit lighter.
I’ve noticed an immediate, though slight improvement in how I feel after recently ordering and wearing the Essential Pendant. I previously suffered from hot flushes and light headedness when I’m near an EMF source, but since wearing the pendant my symptoms appear to have subsided. I am optimistically confident for the future with this product.
I am working with and experimenting with the essential and pocket pendants. You can see it in my other reviews. The 4 inch light tower and stand is doing a few things for me. 1. I have cats, it is working on the cats, I have one cat that like to sleep by the stand. 2. I have a brother that thinks all this stuff is crazy talk. I have the stand in the house and he doesn't even notice it. And if he did see it, he would think it just another nick-nak that is sitting around the house. 3. If provided me protection and safety at my home. Even wearing the essential pendant there is only so much that it can do. So, when I come home and have this light of protection around my living space, it allows me to do deeper work with the pocket or essential pendant.
You do not have to believe in the light-towers in order for them to work. Even If your family doesn't believe in the light-tower, that does not stop you from protecting them. Test the essential and pocket pendants on your self. If you find it helpful then the decision is all up to you about protecting your loved ones.
I have gotten the family pack that come with 3 essential pendants. I wanted the extra pendants so that I can loan them to friends. It has been about three weeks since I loaned them out. I have not talked with these friends yet about their experiences, so I am not going to write about it yet. All I can say is, that none of them has returned the pendants yet, nor have they complained about it in any way, and yes the are still wearing it
Thank you
Not much to say. Makes traveling with the light tower super easy.