Linking Blood Oxygen and EMF: Understanding Their Connection"
A pulse oximeter measures oxygen saturation levels in the blood, which refers to the extent to which hemoglobin is

saturated with oxygen. Hemoglobin is an element in your blood that binds with oxygen to carry it through the bloodstream to the organs, tissues and cells of your body. Normal O2 sats are usually between 96% and 98%. Any level below 92% is considered dangerous and should be evaluated by a medical professional
Electromagnetic radiation is defined as a source of radiation including visible light, radio waves, gamma rays, and X-rays, in which electric and magnetic fields vary simultaneously (1). When this radiation interacts with our cells it stimulates the voltage gated calcium channels leading to an increase in free radicals and a breakdown of the bioenergetic loop that involves DNA damage. This radiation puts a stress on the body. The polarizing effect of the radiation on the oxygen molecule causes it to be less readily available for binding to heme and other biochemical processes.
Research completed in 2009 by Dr. David Verhoeven of the University of Maryland School of Medicine, showed oxygen blood saturation is the best predictor of lung function during an influenza infection.
Given what we know about electromagnetic radiation and it's effect on oxygen we can see how the blood oxygen saturation can be reduced due to EMF produced by cell phones and towers, computers, monitors, smart devices and other modern wireless technology.
To use a fingertip pulse oximeter,
Place the fingertip clip on one of your fingers. You may feel a slight pressure but no pitching or pain.
Wait for the oximeter reading to appear to collect your reading.
Once you have the reading the test is over and the clip can be removed.
Pulse oximetry may be used to monitor the health of individuals with any type of condition that can affect blood oxygen levels, especially while they’re in the hospital. These conditions include:
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
lung cancer
heart attack or heart failure
congenital heart defects
Always consult a medical professional if you have questions about your health or the readings from a pulse oximeter. Information provided in this post is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnosis, prescribe or treat any medical condition.
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