By Will Winter, DVM

Chief Livestock & Ag Advisor, Essential Energy


I love the phrase, “just when you thought it was safe to get back into the water….”  It conjures up so many images. Those of us in agriculture certainly understand the concept as it seems like, just as we have overcome some painful or frustrating obstacle, an entirely new problematic issue rears its ugly head. 

Right now, I’m talking about pollution from cell phone towers, increased power/transmission lines and other sources of Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) pollution. Even the air is not safe anymore as there are literally thousands of new satellites circling overhead day and night with new ones going up every week! Frankly, it’s not predicted to ever go away, in our lifetimes anyway. In fact it’s virtually guaranteed to get worse day by day. Right now, probably 98% of Americans are either totally unaware of this problem or they don’t believe it’s a problem. The physical danger has actually been hushed away by the industry. Unfortunately, those who are creating the mess have no clue where it will all end. Society’s hunger for technology has no bounds. We are the guinea pigs in the experiment! 

Here’s the short of it, if a power line crosses your property or runs along your road, or if you can see cell phone and radio towers from your farm or are within 30 miles of an airport with a radar, you are being silently zapped by this invisible radiation. 

This is why I’m proud to represent Essential Energy. As a vet, I need to know how to mitigate toxins that threaten my client’s livestock. nnEMF is definitely one of the worst, but with Essential Energy, I have several years and data from several hundred farms that convinces me in the value and credibility of this harmonizing technology.  We can measure the nnEMF easily, and we can measure the change easily as well. We have hand-held instruments that tell us the exact radiation load as well as where it’s coming from. We’ve been on hundreds of farms over the last several years showing farmers from all areas of the country the levels of EMF exposure on their land, and it’s tragic how bad it’s gotten. We’ve yet to be on a farm where nnEMF levels are normal or healthy. This is shocking (no pun intended!) and a call to action.

The flip side is that God’s green Earth has natural electromagnetic fields (think Schuman resonance), the north and south pole, the lay-lines and there is wholesome electricity in storms, lightning and from the sun, moon and stars. That is fine, actually good for us, beneficial. They resonate and balancing with the electrical fields found in every living plant, animal or human. 

The pollution comes from man-made (non-native) electricity, and it’s associated electromagnetic fields (nnEMF). This nnEMF shows up in a few ways on the farm but they all create harmful currents that cause health and production hazards, lock up mineral absorption, weaken immune systems and affect red blood cells in animals and photosynthesis in plants. You may have heard the term “stray voltage” or “dirty electricity’, which refers to harmful levels of electricity running through the ground and wires. The other is EMR, or electromagnetic radiation. This is what comes through the air from the cell towers, power lines, radio towers, radar and satellites. nnEMF pollution wreaks havoc on our health and on our finances because it impacts every area of the farm and household. 

For people, the damage can manifest as headaches, reproductive issues, insomnia, brain fog and eventually even worse conditions including cancer, diabetes, seizures or heart disease and rhythm abnormalities. In the farmyard we see cows that don’t come into normal heat, don’t let down much milk or act abnormally, birds don’t lay enough eggs, and horses show anxiety issues. Pets are completely vulnerable to these toxic radiations. Even crop plants, as well as soil microbes, are diminished in production, averaging a repression of 20% less profit. 

We also see it in the populations of wild animals such as butterflies, pollinators, migratory birds and wild game. They are unable to withstand the damage.  It’s a jungle out there now, a “man-made jungle”. 

Sooner or later everyone in rural America and Canada will become aware that it’s not just city people that are getting polluted. The one million 5G cell towers installed since 2019, the several million miles of power lines running overhead to support growing electricity demands for data centers and electric vehicles (to name just a few) is increasing at a staggering rate. Too many families call us after they see telecom’s upgrading panels on a cell tower saying they are getting headaches, and their children can’t sleep. The hazard is real but so is the solution.

The time to do something about this is now, or really, the sooner it is corrected the better. Waiting has zero value and only allows the damage to dig into profits and health. 

I’m thrilled to be working with Essential Energy. Dan Stachofsky, the owner, provides a powerful set of solutions that work hand-in-glove with my passion to bring holistic practices to the farm. Together, our mission is to help families and farmers across the country thrive, not just survive.  

Anyone can protect themselves, their family and their entire farm and it is a very simple process. Natural devices for the specific purpose of cleansing the air, water and soil from pollution, are easy to use, require no electricity or batteries and, depending upon their size can protect a range from one’s personal body up to units that protect all the humans, animals, plants and wildlife over thousands of acres! 

I invite you to set up a consult with me. Let me review the issues, the options and show you how to experience healing that is guaranteed to work in every case! 

You can reach me at or 612-756-1232, or reach out to our main office at 833-723-3363 today.


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